A wide variety of products
Airtech is the only one company specializing in clean air system in Japan. Airtech provides a wide variety of products designed in many different functions, business segments and price ranges.

Technological capacity and wealth of experience
Clean air system is introduced in various industries. Airtech has a large capacity for technology and wealth of experience for satisfaction of request specification and adapting to various installation environment. Airtech provides optimal solutions for customer requirements.

Unique technologies, 2 year guarantee
For more than 40 years, Airtech has contributed to the development of electronics industry, bio industry, food industry, and pharmacy by inventive solutions for air containment, contamination control and controlled environments. We realize high-degree cleanliness space with our unique technologies. We provide a customer with adequate after-sales service. We guarantee our domestic products for 2 year.

Global network
Airtech has 16 domestic and 8 foreign firms. (China, Singapore, Taiwan, Korea, India, Germany, Vietnam) Please consult with our firm about possibility of introduction of clean air system, if you are thinking of expanding your business abroad.

Business Fields: Various type of industries
[Companies introducing clean air system]
Semiconductor / FPD industry
Electronics / Precision machine industry
Food manufacturer
Hospital / University
Biotechnology / Pharmacy / Laboratory
A wide variety of products, meeting our customer’s requirements and various fields.